Boomslang Digital - spdif BNC/BNC

Boomslang Digital - spdif BNC/BNC



Boomslang series
- Digital BNC to BNC cable -



Our AWARD-WINNING Boomslang cable - Best of 2018!!

An entirely NEW conceptual design on digital cabling that is outperforming all of those old archaic ideas in every aspect - Musicality, body, detail, life. The Boomslang is truly amazing!

Our Boomslang cables are an entirely new concept in digital cables. They are NOT coaxial! Yes, yes, I know - that's unheard of in digital audio. But, I'm here to tell you that our design not only works, it works extremely well. Some of the initial tests have the Boomslang easily outperforming some of the most expensive cables you can find on the market, hands-down.


Our Boomslang digital cable WON FIRST PLACE in a shootout of eleven different high-fidelity digital cables, some costing 5x as much as the Boomslang!!
The Boomslang then went on to win the "Best of 2018" award with Audio Bacon!



Our Boomslang Series of digital cables are hand-crafted one at a time with meticulous attention to detail. We start by taking our own high quality, pure silver (.999) wire. We utilize Single Solid Core wiring - not hundreds of signal-reducing tiny strands. After extensive tests and trials, we've determined that the minimum length of a Boomslang cable is 1.37m. This is to avoid the very common issues of jitter and loss-of-focus that other digital cables suffer from. Magnetically shielded in a multiple pole magnetization pattern, so the magnetic strength is distributed evenly across the surface.

** PLEASE NOTE ** - We have recently received reports that a number of digital cable brands, including our Boomslang as well as some 10x the price of the Boomslang, are having compatibility issues with the mScaler and Dave, especially in dual mode. Out of the hundreds of brands and models of digital gear out there, this is the only piece of equipment we are aware of having compatibility issues. Any purchase from one of our dealers, or directly from us, includes a 30-day money back guarantee. If you have a mScaler, please use this period to test compatibility. Thank you.

** Note - Photo shown may not represent actual product connectors (bnc/rca/aes)

Please choose this product, if you need a BNC connectors on both the source and destination.



Quick disclaimer: This is a very simplified explanation of the cryogenic process as it applies to electrical components of audio. We know and value the effects this process has on our products. But if you'd like a deeper more detailed explanation, you may have to consult a cryogenicist.

The raw materials used in ANY equipment, whether it's cables or tubes, or razor blades - all contain a harsh degree of residual stress. The process used to make wire itself is very stressful and straining on it's core materials. Then add to it the stresses of manufacturing that wire into a cable, soldering and twisting, etc. A cryogenic treatment relieves these stresses, and allows your equipment to perform above and beyond untreated models of the same. Resistance ratings are lowered and capacitance is improved.

The cryogenic process is well used in the audio world, from components to tubes, to cables, and with good reason. If you've ever seen how wire or some components are made, you can imagine what it's doing to that metal on a molecular level.

A very simplified analogy would be to think of two rows of numbers. The top row has numbers 1 to 5, while the second row goes from 6 to 10. Well, even through all the beating the metal takes, electrons try to stay loyal to the other atoms/molecules where they were connected before. But because everything has been twisted and reconfigured, the electrons might be trying to go from 1 to 7, then up to 2, back to 6, then over to 3, etc. Not a very efficient way to travel.

The cryogenic process utilizes liquid nitrogen, and very slowly lowers the temperature of the metals down to 320 degrees BELOW ZERO. It's actually so cold, that the electrons themselves practically quit moving. After being held at that temperature for a time to completely break any bonds those electrons had previously, the metals are then very slowly brought back up to normal temps. The effect that this has, is that when the electrons start moving again, they connect to the atoms/molecules closest and strongest to them, instead of wherever they were connected previously. Now, your electrons go straight from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4, etc. This results in lower capacitance and impedance. A much more efficient piece of conductive metal, which in audio, gives you better performance in your cables.

How does a cryo treated cable compare to an untreated model? Well, don't just take our word on this - feel free to search for yourself. There are many different accounts out there where a cryo treated cable performs better. The most common benefits attributed to cryogenically treatments are;
  • Much more in-depth, focused three dimensional soundstaging
  • Enhanced dynamic range
  • Upper range notes are cleaner, more precise with less distortion
  • Vocals are much more exact and clear
  • Improved bass speed and articulation



All of our cables are custom built, by hand, for each customer. We have no idea of what lengths or connectors people will need for all of the various types of cables, so we do not build up inventory in advance. On average, our build queue is about 5-6 business days out. Sometimes a little longer, sometimes a little shorter. Once a cable is completed, we prefer to put it on one of our curing systems for 200 hours before shipping out to the customer. This significantly reduces the amount of time for "burn in" on your system. This is preferred, but optional. The customer can choose to 'waive' the curing process.

You are always welcome to email us and inquire about our current build queue status. Typically, an order is ready to ship approximately two weeks or a little more from the date of the order.

After an order is placed, you will receive an email from us letting you know our current queue status, and when your order will be expected to be built. You can reply to us at that time whether you wish to waive the curing process, or have us complete it before shipping. You will receive another email after the cable is completed, and another when it has finished curing (if not waived). We also include your information with the tracking, so you will also get updates as the cable is en route to you.


We strongly believe in making your EARS happy! We also understand that it's not always easy to listen to our cables, and the difference they can make, in person before purchasing them. Auditioning products at a show, at one of our dealers, or even here in the demo room at our shop, is great.. but it's not going to match what you have in your own system, environment and setup. So, the absolute best audition is to buy our cables, try them out in your own home for 30 days. If you like what you hear, please shoot us an email telling us so! If you don't, return them within 30 days of receiving them for a full refund. Easy Peasy!! (disclaimer: returned cables will be inspected and tested for any damage, and refund will be minus shipping/handling costs and any credit card/paypal processing fees).

Obviously, to provide this type of guarantee, we are very confident in the quality and performance that our products can bring to your system. This comes from very rarely ever having a product returned. In fact, some recent research of our books showed that about 40% of our customers came back for even more of our cables! We love that feather in our cap!


Yep! It's true.. we offer free shipping on all orders! This just keeps getting better all the time, don't it?


IF THE LENGTH or design of the cable you are wanting is not in an easy dropdown, please email us

Reviews (4)

by Stephen M.

Hi I purchased 2 x Boomslang digital BNC cables for my Chord M-Scaler after reading the very positive review on the Audio Bacon website. I definitely echo the comments made on the Audio Bacon review. I am very happy with the performance of the cable. The cable is made to a very high quality. It brought out the warmth that was missing in my 2 channel setup with the Chord M-Scaler and the lower bass was more extended than my previous Moon Audio SIlver Dragon BNC cables. I hadn't realise that silver cables could exhibit such "warmth" which is more common for copper conductors. The Boomslang has a wide sound stage, the high frequencies sound very natural and mid range is rich and lush (revealing the true nature of female vocals) with a good bass response. All in all, I think the Boomslang are a reasonably priced high-end digital interconnect. Definitely recommended and better value than some of the more established high-end brands!

by Bill M.

That Boomslang sounds fantastic. More lifelike, closer to what I imagine the original sound. I had a very good cable coming from my CD transplant (Jay's Audio CDT2 Mk3), and it sounded pretty darn good. I just thought I could get more out of it. I'd read a review of Boomslang a few years ago on AudioBacon, and finally decided to give it a try. Really glad I did. I threw on some Tom Waits, Talking Heads and Mahler's 2nd Symphony. They all sounded improved, more like I imagine live, as I said. The Mahler is a very good recording, but seemed a little congested before, as happens with a lot orchestras. Now, it's much better. I can hear more of the individual instruments. I brought my wife in. She has sung in choirs and small groups much of her life. She's also deaf in one ear. So, she actually has a good ear. She went with some Sade and Lady Blackbird. Interrupted me (so rare...) asking her thoughts, to say, "It does sound better." Went on to listen to the whole albums, even more rare.

by Nadine S.

I replaced a perfectly good digital cable with the Boomslang. At the time, I honestly thought I would have to replace my Lumin T2 as the music seemed lacking and dull in contrast to lower resolution TV sound. But the Boomslang came to the rescue and opened up the sound stage and brought back so many details. Now my Lumin sings and the TV sound is dull by contrast. If you only replace one cable, do it with the Boomslang !
